Today, the field of Books On Cyber Security is flourishing at an incredible speed. This is opening doors to plenty of new job opportunities in the Books On Cyber Security field. If you are interested in learning Books On Cyber Security, a few books can help you in making your learning journey fruitful. This article on ethical hacking + Books On Cyber Security books will take you through the best books for Books On Cyber Security. These books will introduce you to new ideas and help you solve your questions on Books On Cyber Security.
What Is Books On Cyber Security?
Before we get into the best Books On Cyber Security books, let us give you a quick refresher on Books On Cyber Security. Books On Cyber Security refers to the practice of protecting programs, networks, computer systems, and their components from unauthorized digital access and attacks. We term these attacks as cyberattacks.
Cyberattacks result in the loss and access to confidential data, loss of money, and reputation loss for organizations. Hence, it is crucial to prevent cyberattacks, and for that, implementing Books On Cyber Security measures is a necessity.
What Is Ethical Hacking?
The Ethical hacking is the process in which a system's vulnerability is discovered and exploited. We carry this out with the motive of ensuring system security.
We know individuals who perform ethical hacking as ethical hackers. Ethical hackers perform such hacking only with prior permission from the concerned authorities. Various hacking techniques and tools are used to carry out ethical hacking.
Let us now take you through the list of the best Books On Cyber Security books.
The Best Ethical Hacking + Books On Cyber Security Books
Here, we have formulated a list of the 10 best Books On Cyber Security and ethical hacking books that will help learners. Let's get started:
1. Hacking: A Beginners’ Guide to Computer Hacking, Basic Security, And Penetration Testing
Author: John Slavio
This book on hacking is handy for beginners. It can help you take the first step in your ethical hacking career.
The topics covered in this book are the history of hacking, types of hackers, various types of hacking attacks, essential hacking tools and software, and hiding IP addresses.
It also speaks about mobile hacking, hacking an email address, penetration testing, and spoofing attacks.
2. Hacking: The Art Of Exploitation
Author: Jon Erickson
This world-famous hacking book has two editions, one which was published in 2003 and the other in 2008.
It focuses on network security and computer security. The second edition of this book introduces you to C programming from a hacker's perspective. Here, you will learn to program computers using C and shell scripts.
Out of the many concepts in this book, you will also learn to hijack TCP connections, Crack encrypted wireless traffic, and speed up brute-force attacks.
3. Metasploit: The Penetration Tester’s Guide
A Metasploit framework is a vital tool used by hackers for discovering and exploiting vulnerabilities. However, for first-time users, it can be a little challenging. Hence, this book will teach you all about Metasploit.
In this book, you'll learn the framework's interfaces, module system, advanced penetration testing techniques, which include network reconnaissance, client-side attacks, wireless attacks, and targeted social-engineering attacks.
Here, you will also learn to Integrate NeXpose, Nmap, and Nessus with Metasploit to automate discovery.
Author: Georgia Weidman
This Books On Cyber Security book throws an insight into penetration testing. Penetration testers discover security weaknesses in operating systems, networks, and applications.
This book focuses on the core skills and techniques a penetration tester requires. Here, you'll be acquainted with the prime stages of an actual assessment, which includes gathering information, unraveling vulnerabilities, gaining access to networks, and so on.
In addition to the above, you will learn to crack passwords, bypass antivirus software, automate attacks, and you will also learn to use the Metasploit framework for launching exploits and for writing your Metasploit modules out of the many other teachings.
5. The Hacker Playbook 3: Practical Guide To Penetration Testing
Author: Peter Kim
This is the third iteration of the THP - The Hacker Playbook Series. It brings new strategies, attacks, exploits, and tips. Besides all the new concepts, it highlights a few techniques from the previous versions.
The Hacker Playbook 3 - Red Team Edition acquaints you with the Red Team. Red Teams simulate real-world, advanced attacks to test your organization's defensive teams.
Reading this will help you advance your offensive hacking skills and attack paths. In addition to that, it also focuses on real-world attacks, exploitation, custom malware, persistence, and more.
6. Practical Malware Analysis: The Hands-On Guide to Dissecting Malicious Software
Authors: Michael Sikorski, Andrew Honig
Malware is malicious software that hackers often use to exploit system vulnerabilities. This book on Practical Malware Analysis teaches about the tools and techniques used by Books On Cyber Security analysts.
This book will guide you to analyze, debug, and disassemble malicious software.
Here, you will also learn to set up a safe virtual environment to analyze malware, how to crack open malware, gauge the damage it has done, clean your network, and verify that the malware never comes back.
7. Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking
Author: Christopher Hadnagy
Social engineering depends on human errors to gain access to confidential information. Systems can be protected, but we can use no code that can be certain to help protect data when it is a human being.
This book depicts the most commonly used social engineering methods and shows how they were being used in the past.
Here, you will learn to examine the common social engineering tricks, analyze how social engineers can use emotions, adopt fruitful counter-measures to prevent hacking, and many more.
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